Monday 24 September 2012

Underwater lighting

I thought I'd play with the lighting underwater so I can make up my mind whether I want to keep the water or not. I do think the water works well with my model but I'm still going to think about it.

Creating a Flow Graph

I created my first flow graph to enable the stack of triangles to the right to move upwards 5 metres and it works!

Creating a spawning point

100 Words

I was thinking about using a lot of rotation for my movement in my model. I want to try make the stacks of triangles move through the insides of the square parts of the models and have the square parts spinning around. I think the industrial sort of textures suit my model the best and will stick to those but continue to look for different options.
I also want to add much more lighting but keep it suttle and kind of hidden so I can have a lot but not so it washes everything out. Keepint the background very black would help bring out interesting shadows.

More trials and the 3 I would have liked to have used for Mid Review

These are the 3 I would have liked to pick for the mid review. They show good and different lighting and have different textures.

Mid Review

I was disappointed with my images I chose for mid review because I had only started to figure out how to play with lighting. I liked the angles I chose though. I want to try out different textures as well because I think the white cracks over the whole thing isn't interesting enough.

Adding lights

I also had trouble adding lights, I was following the tutorial but they wouldn't drag in, I finally got one to work and played with colour since my texture was white.

Adding textures

Finally figured out how to enlarge the textures
 Closeup of my texture
 Full view with texture