Sunday 5 August 2012

Edited Sketchup views

Composition 1 - Wanted to show pieces gradually falling out of the main block, I deleted some which were in the main block to help make it look like they are falling out of a specific place, also as the falling pieces get lower they get more rounded
 Composition 2 - Extended some pieces and deleted others so it doesn't look so cramped
 Rhythm 1 - Cut the blocks in half so they're not so chunky then want to extend them all the way up so they look like they're wrapping around something
 Rhythm 2 - As the blocks get higher, I want to space them further apart so it gives the shape of a cone or tornado
 Figure-ground 1 - Cut the triangles into sections so as they get lower they look like they are falling, then space the cubes out more
 Figure-ground 2 - Put the triangles into sections again but added some detail to the cubes
 Asymmetry 1 - Rounded the small rectangles and put gaps in the main rectangle and added lots of little cubes underneath
 Asymmetry 2 - Changed the main rectangle into a grid like shape