Thursday 19 July 2012

First Sketches


Hierarchy research

Hierarchy examples
1.Cubes - This image shows hierarchy by putting the different sized cubes in a certain order to create a wave of some sort
 2.Spheres - This shows hierarchy as the spheres are ordered in a way to follow a path

Datum research

Datum examples
1.Car - Datum reminds me of a vanishing point so I looked for examples that showed that. In this example everything goes to the end point of the road
 2.Vanishing point - This is a diagram showing a vanishing point

Figure-ground research

Figure-ground examples
1.Man/Woman - I think of figure-ground as finding an image within an image, like this one with the negative space shows a man playing a trumpet but in the white space it's a half of a ladys head
 2.Love - I thought this image was a little odd, it shows a man as the letters 'o' and 'v' and a lady as the letter 'L' but I can't figure out why the 'e' is placed where it is

Contrast research

Contrast examples
1.Swing - This image shows contrast between the harsh blacks and the light whites. It gives the image a much more different and interesting look to what it could have looked like if it was taken in the day with natural colours
 2.Elements - This type of contrast is between the textures of each natural element. The smooth rocks vs the grainy wood chips etc

Composition research

Composition examples
1.Room - This room shows composition really well, it is organized and everything looks right where its been placed. The colours mix well together as well
 2.Puppy - This photo shows that the composition has been thought of when it was taken. It's been placed in the framethe way it has to make it look more interesting to look at
 3.Boat - This photo shows a grid that explains the rule of thirds. I think it's a really good way to compose a photo so you get the most interesting shots of all the surroundings and they're all taking up the space in the photo evenly

Proportion research

Proportion examples
1.Gorilla - This picture shows the scale of the gorilla compared to the boy opposite to what they would normally be.
 2.Horses - This photo is a more realistic way to show scale and proportion between the fully grown horse and baby horse, it really captures the size difference by having a plain background
 3.Smirnoff - Another unrealistic way to show proportions between to objects

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Repitition research

Repitition examples
1.Zebras - I thought this was a good example of repitition because it shows it in 2 ways. The first one is the zebras which all look the same being together and doing the same thing and also the stripes that are repeated all over them
 2.Fruit - Repitition is shown with the same cut of fruit being placed together

Rhythm research

Rhythm examples
1.Black Swan poster - Rhythm is shown through the dancers arms and hands being repeated in a gradual motion to create the sense of dance movement
 2.Wool - Rhythm is shown in this image by repeating the strands of wool but varying the size and placement and making them all intertwine with each other

Asymmetry research

Asymmetry examples
1.Hairstyle - Symmetrical down the centre of her face but the cut of the fringe across her face makes it asymmetrical
2.Lamps - The single bird makes this image asymmetrical
 3.Boat - I first looked at this image for symmetry but really because of the ripples in the water is becomes asymmetrical

Symmetry research

Symmetry examples
1. Church  - vertically through the centre of the room minus the small people on the seats, even the reflection has created a horizontal and vertical mirrored image

2. Bird - vertically down his back, the colours and numbers of his feathers

3. Train tracks - vertically down the centre between the 2 tracks, the platform with the street lamps is almost symmerical as well

Notes from class

'Symmetry is about having balanced proportion, if you draw a line down the centre of the image, both sides should be the same.' eg. a mirror image
'Asymmetry is the lack of likeness' eg. it could be very symmetrical with one difference

'Repitition is similar shapes repeated over and over again'
'Rhythem is repetitive forms in a group with slight variations which create a sense of movement'

'Proportion is the relation or adaption of one portion to another' eg. scale
'Composition is the placement or arrangement of visual elements, structured, rule of thirds, fore/mid/background' eg. a photograph of a horizon

'Contrast is a notible emphasis in difference. The more difference, the more contrast' eg. textures - wood vs. sand, scale - big vs. small
'Hierarchy is a ordered ranking system' eg. small house, big house or more detail in something etc

'Figure-ground is the relationship between a figure and the ground. The figure defines the ground. It could be a positive shape and the ground can be everything else. Sometimes ir changes when the figure becomes the ground and
the ground becomes the figure. Negative space' eg. the picture example I liked which was the cats head in the dogs mouth which also looked like the dogs jaw.
'Datum is projecting from a common reference point' eg. focal point, something shrinking into the horizon.

Things to look at would be fashion, arcitecture, art, groups of objects, anything else that could potentially be made abstract.