Monday 15 October 2012


Music: Citizen Nyx - Undercover

The video was saved as HD but looks a bit less quality in Youtube?

Final Images

Beginnings of the movie

First time having a go with Movie Maker
Played with some transition effects and chose the face out from black when it jumps to the next scene
I added music to my movie and made that fade out towards the end as well
The song I chose is a jazz piece I got from which was from a link off the Creative Commons site

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Gaming details

I figured out how to get rid of all the gaming info:
Lettering in the right hand corner     ~, r_displayinfo 0
Game info                                        ~, g_showhud 0
Hands and gun                                ~, r_nodrawnear=1

More screen shots

 Movement 1
 Movement 2

Still deciding whether to have the scene at night time so the lights create different shadows or have it in the light to see the textures better.

Monday 1 October 2012

Rotate and move in a direction

I wanted to make this centre window shape go up but rotate at the same time. I managed to finally do this by creating a simple movement flowgraph and then add a rotation movement by itself and it does exactly what I wanted it to do.

Sunday 30 September 2012

Rotating an object on its centre point

I spent ages trying to figure out how to rotate one object on its centre point and finally figured out how to use a tag point to make that work. I also found out that the flow graph doesn't have to be complicated at all and is actually really simple.